KAIMANTAN - As many as 17 of 25 tourists from South Hulu Sungai Regency (HSS) of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of an antigen swab.

These tourists previously broke through the provisions for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan.

Head of the Batakan Health Center, dr. Wening Tri Ambaryani said, based on the results of the antigen swab test, 17 people in the group tested positive for COVID.

Previously, the Batakan Health Center team accompanied by the Tanah Laut COVID-19 Handling Task Force and the Panyipatan District COVID-19 Handling Task Force Team carried out a raid to enforce health protocols.

"From the 25 samples we examined, 17 were positive. So we are educating all passengers," he said at Pelaihari, Antara, Monday, September 6.

Tri said that the group had to be swabbed for antigen because they were caught trying to break into tourist attractions to stay at Batakan Baru Beach, Saturday, September 4.

After receiving the results of the antigen swab test, the group was asked to return to their area by the Tanah Laut COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Head of Satpol PP and Tanah Laut Firefighters Muhammad Kusri said that his party regretted the attitude of the tourist groups who tried to trick the officers, so that they could still travel on Batakan Baru Beach.

"Previously we had directed them to turn back because tourism in Tanah Laut was closed. It turned out that in the afternoon there were reports from the public that there were buses entering the tourist attraction of Batakan Baru Beach," said M Kusri.

According to him, the bus group was chased to Sungai Riam Village, Pelaihari District during the day. Then the bus was escorted to the fork in the Angsau roundabout by the Tanah Laut COVID-19 Handling Task Force Team to return to their area.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain, he explained, the bus returned to the Batakan Baru Beach area and parked at one of the residents' houses with the excuse of visiting family.

"To break the chain of transmission of COVID-19, we firmly apply Tanah Laut Regent Regulation No. 99 of 2020 concerning the COVID-19 Health Protocol and the Imposition of Sanctions for Violations of the Implementation of the COVID-19 Health Protocol," he said.

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