MALANG - Police are still investigating a case of alleged sexual harassment of a mukena fetish in Malang, East Java. Most recently, the ranks of the Malang City Police Satreskrim have coordinated with experts on the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (ITE) as well as language experts.

Malang City Police Chief, AKBP Budi Hermanto said, until now, his party is still waiting for the results of the analytical study from the two ITE and language experts.

"We are still discussing it, whether there is a criminal element," he said, Monday, September 6.

Separately, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang City Police, Commissioner Tinton Yudho Riambodo added that the mukena fetish case is still being analyzed. Later, if the analysis results state that it is a criminal element, then his party will immediately process the perpetrators.

"If the result is a criminal act, then we can immediately pick up the perpetrator for processing. But if it's not a crime, then we can't do anything," he explained.

So far, said Tinton, the number of witnesses being examined has increased to 5 witnesses, including models and photographers as well as victims.

The mukena fetish case emerged after another victim with the initials JT created a thread on his personal Twitter account regarding the alleged fetish. After that, several other women also claimed to have experienced the same thing.

JT, who is a female model in Malang City, East Java, is suspected of being the victim of a fetish by someone with a social media account. The incident occurred after the female victim did a photo shoot for a mukena product.

However, these photos, by suspect D, were not used to promote the mukena products he sells. Instead, upload the photos to an account that is suspected to be a fetish account belonging to D.

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