JAKARTA - Guinea's elite national army announced it had seized power, toppling President Alpha Conde in a coup attempt, after gunfire around the presidential palace in Conakry, Sunday local time.

The army announced the country's leadership had been ousted, in the latest political upheaval to hit the mineral-rich and impoverished west African nation, amid conflicting claims about who is in power.

Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, head of the unit and leader of the coup attempt, said in a brief speech on national broadcaster Radio Television Guinea that the country's parliament and constitution had been suspended, borders were closed.

"We take our fate in our own hands," he said criticizing the state of the country under the 83-year-old president.

"The personalization of political life is over. We will no longer entrust politics to one person, we will entrust it to the people," continued Doumbouya.

While in a televised address, Doumbouya said the country's elites had persecuted the country and there would be an 18-month transition period. In videos posted on social media, supporters of the civilian coup can be seen calling out to soldiers in the city, chanting 'freedom'.

At the same time, the defense ministry said the attack on the presidential palace by rebel forces had been neutralized, claiming a restoration of order operation was underway.

"The presidential guard, backed by loyal and republican defense and security forces, contained threats and repelled the invading group," the ministry said in a statement.

"Security and sweeping operations continue to restore order and peace," the Guinean Ministry of Defense said.

Separately, the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, on Sunday condemned the seizure of power by military units.

"I strongly condemn the takeover of the government by force of arms and call for the immediate release of President Alpha Condé," he criticized.

The whereabouts of President Conde, who has been in power since 2010. However, images circulating on social media show soldiers surrounding the president, as he reclines on the sofa barefoot, in jeans and a partially opened shirt and vest.

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