JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appointed East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and his wife - who served as Chairman of the East Kutai Regency DPRD - Encek UR Firgasih, as well as 5 other people as suspects in the alleged acceptance of bribes related to infrastructure work in the East Kutai Regency Government.

Of the 7 people arrested, 5 of whom were named as suspects who received bribes were the East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and the Head of the East Kutai Regency DPRD Encek UR Firgasih (husband and wife), the Head of Bapenda Musyafa, the Head of BPKAD Suriansyah, and the Head of the Public Works Office Aswandini.

Meanwhile, the other 2 were determined to be bribes, namely a contractor who is also a partner in a number of projects in the East Kutai area, namely Aditya Maharani and Deky Aryanto.

"The KPK concludes that there is a suspicion of corruption in accepting gifts or promises related to infrastructure work in the East Kutai Regency government for 2019-2020," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango during a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, 3 July.

Nawawi explained, Ismunandar and Encek UR Firgasih, and Musyafa were arrested in Jakarta at a restaurant in the FX area, Senayan, Thursday, July 2.

"Around 12.00 WIB, EU (Encek UR Firgasih) and MUS (Musyafa, Head of Bapenda) and DF (Dedy Febriansara, Bapenda staff) came to Jakarta to participate in the socialization of ISM (Ismunandar) candidacy as a candidate for East Kutai Regent for the period 2021-2024. Furthermore, around 16.30 WIB ASW (Aswandini, Kadis PU) and AW (Arif Wibisono, the Regent's adjutant) came to Jakarta, "he explained.

The atmosphere of the press conference on the determination of East Kutai Regent Ismunandar as a suspect after the KPK OTT (Photo: KPK Public Relations Documentation)

After obtaining information about the use of the money collected from the partners of the East Kutai regency who were working on a number of projects, the KPK team then moved. According to Nawawi, this movement was carried out at around 18.45 WIB.

"Furthermore, the KPK secures ISM, AW, and MUS at the FX Jakarta Restaurant," he said, adding that a number of people in other areas in Jakarta and in Sangata, East Kutai were also arrested by the KPK.

From the arrests at a number of locations, the KPK found Rp170 million in cash, several savings books with a total balance of Rp.4.8 billion, and certificates of deposit of Rp1.2 billion.

There was money coming in for Ismunandar's campaign costs

The beginning of this case occurred on June 11. At that time, the KPK said that Ismun had received money from a contractor who was also a partner of the East Kutai Public Works Agency, Aditya Maharani. The money received reached Rp. 550 million.

Apart from Aditya, Ismun also received Rp2.1 billion from Deky Aryanto who is also a partner of the East Kutai Education Office. The handover of this money was made to the Head of BPKAD Kutim Suriansyah, Head of Bapenda Musyafa, and Chairman of the Kutim DPRD Encek UR Firagsih.

After receiving the money, Musyafa then made deposits to a number of accounts, namely in his name at Bank Mandiri Syariah amounting to IDR 400 million, Bank Mandiri IDR 900 million, and Bank Mega IDR 800 million.

"Furthermore, it is known that there are payments for ISM interests through an account in the name of MUS," said Nawawi.

The money that was spent was used to pay for the purchase of an Isuzu Elf car of Rp.510 million, Rp.33 million for tickets to Jakarta, and Rp.15.2 million for hotels in Jakarta.

Prior to the admission, the KPK also said that Ismundar and the other suspected bribe recipients had received holiday allowances from Aditya of Rp. 100 million in May.

Aditya, said Nawawi, also made transfers to Aini's bank account amounting to Rp125 million. The money is used for the campaign purposes of Ismun, who is the incumbent candidate for the Regent of East Kutai.

The KPK also suspects that some money from other partners is still receiving Ismunandar. The money is given for various purposes.

To Ismun, this money was given so that he could guarantee that the budgets of partners appointed to work on projects in the area would not receive a discount.

Meanwhile, Encek was given bribes so that the DPRD Chairman could intervene in the appointment of a job winner in the Kutim Regency Government.

Furthermore, the Head of Bapenda Musyafa is also suspected of having a role to intervene in determining the winner of the project at the Education and Public Works Office in the region.

The head of BPKAD Suriansyah has the role of regulating and receiving money from each partner, and Head of the Public Works Office, Aswandini, is suspected of receiving the money because he is the one who regulates the distribution of the project.

For his actions, as recipients of East Kutai Regent Ismunandar and Chairman of the East Kutai DPRD Encek UR Firgasih; Head of Bapenda Musyafa; Head of BPKAD Suriansyah; and Head of the Public Works Service, Aswandini, is suspected of violating Article 12 paragraph 1 (1) letter A or B Article 11 of Law Number 31 in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 to (1) KUP in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, as the giver, Aditya Maharani and Deky Aryanto allegedly violated Article 5 paragraph (1) letter A or B Article 13 of Law Number 31 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The seven suspects were detained in different detention centers. However, the KPK ensures that they will be isolated independently first to prevent the spread of COVID-19 inside detention centers.

"This arrest activity is an effort by the KPK to realize the implementation of the procurement of goods and services that is clean, transparent and anti-corruption. The KPK reminds state officials to avoid corrupt practices in the process of procuring goods and services with the aim of obtaining material benefits," he concluded.

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