JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Rajawali Team held a health protocol inspection. When caught, a group of teenagers gathered at the Jalan Basuki Rahmat post, Pasar Gembrong, East Jakarta.

The teenagers who were caught could only be silent while sitting watching the arrival of the Rajawali Team and other joint TNI-Polri officers.

The teenage boys looked panicked when the Rajawali Team used flashlights to check the post area where they had gathered.

To officers, the teenager admitted that he lived near the location where they had gathered.

"Where do you live?" said one of the officers.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Rajawali Team held a health protocol inspection / PHOTO of Rizky Sulistio-VOI

Meanwhile, the young women who gathered together answered casually. "Underneath sir," said the girl in the black shirt.

Then the officers asked for proof of vaccine certificates to the teenagers who were gathered together.

"The certificate (vaccine) is at home, sir," said the young woman.

The arrival of officers to the youth group to provide advice and education regarding the importance of vaccination for health related to COVID-19. After checking the vaccine certificate, the youth who did not wear a mask were also given a mask by the officers.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Erwin Kurniawan, who led the large-scale joint patrol of the TNI, Polri and Satpol PP, distributed masks to the teenagers.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Rajawali Team held a health protocol inspection / PHOTO of Rizky Sulistio-VOI

The teenagers were asked to disperse back to their respective homes because it was late at night.

"Today we are conducting a large-scale patrol in the East Jakarta area. We always remind to obey the prokes, we are not 100 percent safe from the spread of COVID-19," said Kombes Erwin to VOI, Saturday, September 4, early in the morning.

According to the Chief of Police, this patrol activity is carried out so that the community remains aware that these gathering activities should not be ignored from the prokes.

"In addition to disbanding the crowd, we also check to what extent people have been vaccinated or not by showing their vaccine card or care-protect application from their own cellphones. So later we will see how far they understand the importance of vaccines, prokes and not crowding," he said.

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