MEDAN - There is a different view in the Medan City Hall environment. The State Civil Apparatus (ASN), including all officials who usually wear batik clothes, are now wearing regional clothes.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution wears traditional Malay clothes complete with a tengkuluk (head cover). Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor Aulia Racman wore Javanese clothes and blangkon.

During the inauguration and inauguration of structural and functional officials which took place on the IV floor of the City Hall, the inaugurated and inaugurated officials also wore regional clothes.

The use of regional clothing was carried out following the issuance of the Decree of the Mayor of Medan No.025/02.K/VIII/2021 dated August 3, 2021 concerning Official Clothing and Attributes of Regional Typical Service Clothing in the Medan City Government.

The use of typical regional daily official attire is worn by ASN and government employees with a Work Agreement (P3K) who are on duty at the office every Friday.

In the Decree of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, it was stated that the typical daily official attire of the area consisted of 8 ethnic groups in the city of Medan, namely the typical Malay regional daily clothes, where men wore Teluk Belanga and Tengkuluk and women wore Baju Kurung, Karo (Male-Male). male: signs and symbols, female: uis gara).

Then South Tapanuli (men: ulos and ampu, women: clothes brackets), Batak Toba (male: ulos selampang and bulung-bulung detat, women: kebaya with sampang ulos), Simalungun (male: ulos and gatong , women: kebaya/bulong clothes), Dairi/Pak-Pak (male: merapi fire, female: merapi fire), Nias (male: baru oholu, female: oraba si oli).





Quoted from a statement from the Kominfo Department of the Medan City Government, Friday, September 3, in addition to the 8 ethnic groups in the city of Medan, the typical regional daily service clothes were also added with 3 other immigrant ethnicities, namely Javanese (male: jawi jangkep shirt, female: kebaya) , Padang/Minangkabau (male: penghulu, female: bundo kanduang) and Aceh (male: linto daro, female: daro baro).

"Every Friday, we ask all ASN and P3K in the Medan City Government to be able to use traditional clothing from ethnic groups in Medan City. who wear traditional clothes according to their ethnicity, that's even better. Especially for the second echelon, I ask not only to wear traditional ethnic clothes but all ethnic groups in Medan City and have to change. The point is, this is the diversity that exists in Medan City," said Bobby Nasution after the inauguration and inauguration of the structural and functional officials.

Bobby Nasution emphasized that all existing ethnicities and cultures are the identity and strength of the city of Medan.

"We must be proud and interpret the good values of all the existing ethnic groups, so that it becomes the spirit and potential for us to advance it," he said.

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