JAKARTA - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana, said that after receiving reports from MSA victims on cases of sexual harassment and bullying, his party will summon the reported perpetrators of sexual harassment and bullying next week.

"We will call on Monday, we will call everyone," said Kasat to VOI, Thursday, August 2, evening.

Kompol Wisnu said his party would investigate the reports of MSA victims whether there were 5 or 8 perpetrators.

"Later we will ask for further information whether there are 5 or 8 perpetrators. We will investigate," he said.

Until now, the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still collecting the available evidence. While in the process of exploring the existing witness statements.

"We will investigate first. We are still in the process of deepening. Meanwhile we are still checking from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and KPI employees as well. Currently, only one witness is being investigated, who knows first," he said.

Meanwhile, the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Commissioner, Nuning Rodiah, said that the KPI clearly does not tolerate perpetrators of sexual violence and bullying. KPI has formed an internal investigation team to deepen the information on the parties written by MSA.

"We have summoned 7 of the 8 people suspected of being perpetrators of sexual violence as written by MSA in an open letter," said Nuning to VOI at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, August 2, evening.

KPI said it would continue to provide legal assistance to MSA.

"If it is later proven that there have been acts of sexual violence and bullying, KPI and all leaders are committed to taking firm action against perpetrators of sexual harassment and bullying," he said.

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