JAKARTA - The police said that an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) with the initials MS was only once subjected to acts of harassment by five of his colleagues. The abuse took place in 2015.

"But there was an incident in 2015 and then on October 22, 2015 at the Central KPI office (region) Gajah Mada," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, September 2.

The act of harassment against MS, continued Yusri, was carried out in his office. At that time, the alleged perpetrators with the initials RM, MP, RE, EO, and CL suddenly entered and immediately harassed MS.

"He reported that at that time he was working in the office, suddenly there were five reported. First RM, second MP, third RE, fourth EO and CL," said Yusri.

"At that time, the five reported people entered the reporting room and suddenly grabbed the body and then did something indecent. This was later reported," Yusri continued.

On the other hand, Yusri also said that with the existence of a police report (LP), the investigative team will immediately carry out the investigation process. Starting from the collection of instructions to the examination of witnesses and reported.

"Now that we have received the report, we have taken the initial information from the reporter. Later, we will investigate or clarify, including the 5 people who were reported," said Yusri.

Previously, MS said that he had experienced sexual harassment and bullying from his seniors since 2012. He said that the perpetrators dared to sexually harass and bully him because they were considered 'cheeky' and did not dare to fight back.

The sexual harassment and bullying she received started when she was often asked to serve her seniors. MS felt disapproved because he and the perpetrators had the same position, namely as KPI employees.

At its peak, in 2015 the perpetrators were abuzz with their heads, hands, feet, stripped naked, pinned them, and abused them.

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