For Those Who Want To Get Married, Antigen Swab Conditions Still Applicable During PPKM Extension This Time
Illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The government has again decided to extend the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) at Level 2 to Level 4 for 7 days, from August 31 to September 6, 2021.

Therefore, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) emphasized that the requirements for marriage services at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) still refer to SE Director General of Islamic Guidance No. P.002/DJ.III/Hk.007/07/2021 issued July 11, 2021. In this regulation, the Technical Guidelines (Juknis) for Marriage Services are regulated at the KUA during the Emergency PPKM.

One of the contents of the regulation is the requirement to attach a negative result of an antigen swab letter before the implementation of the marriage contract.

"The SE is still valid, one of which must attach a negative result of an antigen swab letter," said Plt. Director of KUA and Sakinah Family Development Directorate General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion M. Adib Machrus, reported from the Ministry of Religion website, Thursday, September 2.

Gus Adib, as he is usually called, said that the parties required to carry out an antigen swab were the bride and groom (catin), the marriage guardian, and two witnesses.

"They are required to do an antigen swab that is valid at least 1x24 hours before the implementation of the marriage contract," explained Gus Adib.

He also reminded the penghulu to really pay attention to health protocols (prokes) in providing marriage services during the PPKM period. "In marriage services, the penghulu must pay attention to prokes, antigen swab requirements, and limiting the number of people present," said Gus Adib.

"The marriage requirements during PPKM are nothing but to ensure the prevention of Covid-19 transmission in the marriage cluster," he added.

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