PALEMBANG - The Ogan Komering Ilir Police Team, South Sumatra, transferred dozens of detainees to the Kayuagung Penitentiary (Lapas) after a bloody beating that resulted in the death of one prisoner.

Police Chief Ogan Komering Ilir AKBP Diliyanto said the transfer was to create conducive conditions for detainees in the Mapolres detention cell, so that the potential for events some time ago would not recur.

"A total of 40 prisoners were transferred to the Class IIB Kayuagung prison, carried out in stages, leaving 100 prisoners," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

The incident was experienced by a suspect in the case of drug abuse of the type of methamphetamine, Benny (45), a resident of Tulung Selapan Village, Ogan Komering Ilir.

While in the cell room, the suspect and victim received an unfavorable reception from other detainees because he was accused of being a "cepu" or a police informant.

So as a result of these accusations, it triggers revenge from other prisoners who believe their crimes have been revealed by the victims.

The victim was beaten, beaten, kicked and forced to squat down in cell rooms number two and number five.

The victim suffered cuts and bruises all over his body, until the officers found him in a weak condition and had to be rushed to the hospital. But unfortunately, the victim could not be saved and died on Thursday, August 5.

In this case, the police named 20 prisoners as suspects.

The investigation process is still ongoing and it is possible to name a new suspect in the case.

The suspects are subject to Article 170 paragraph (2) to 3 of the Criminal Code or Article 170 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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