JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Corruption Court not only sentenced Matheus Joko Santoso to 9 years in prison. The defendant in the bribery case for the procurement of COVID-19 social assistance (bansos) in the Jabodetabek area was also sentenced to pay compensation of Rp. 1.56 billion.

"The sentence is imposed so that the defendant pays compensation for state financial losses in the amount of Rp. 1,560,000,000," said presiding judge Muhammad Damis in a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 1.

If Matheus is unable to pay compensation, then, his property will be auctioned off. Compensation money must be paid no later than one month after the inkrah decision.

"With the provision that if the convict does not pay the money at the latest one month after the decision has permanent legal force, the property will be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to pay the replacement money," said Damis.

If Matheus's property is not sufficient to cover the nominal amount of the replacement money, there will be a substitute sanction. Matheus must undergo criminal sanctions.

"In the event that the convict does not have sufficient property to pay the replacement money, he will be sentenced to one year and six months in prison," said Damis.

Matheus Joko Santoso, was sentenced to 9 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 450 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison. He was proven to be an intermediary for accepting bribes worth Rp. 32.482 billion from 109 companies providing social assistance for COVID-19 basic necessities.

The verdict is heavier than the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) to the KPK who requested that Matheus Joko be sentenced to 8 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 400 million subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

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