LAMPUNG - Head of the Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) of Bandar Lampung City, A Zainuddin, said that the commotion of residents and one of their staff at one of the service counters was just a misunderstanding.

"There was no beating in the incident and the matter has been resolved peacefully," said Zainuddin in Bandarlampung, Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

The misunderstanding occurred because residents who wanted to correct population data were asked to be patient by the officers. Then an argument broke out between the two of them.

"So the resident came to correct the name on the family card, then asked for completeness of the documents stating that the person in the KK was really his family, but this resident instead said 'Just like that, you have to take a birth certificate', then tensions arose between both," he said.

Upon the incident, he said, his party immediately intervened and invited the person concerned into the room to find the problem.

Residents were given an explanation that changing population data could not be done arbitrarily because the supporting files had to be complete.

Regarding residents who allegedly experienced beatings by their staff and reported the incident to the police, Zainuddin admitted that he did not know anything.

"I don't know if he reported it to the police, because I thought it was over. I have also apologized for the mistake that occurred with the actions of my staff to the person concerned," he said again.

He said that for this misunderstanding, he had reprimanded his staff so that they could serve and be kind to the people who came to take care of the population files.

Rendi Aditya, a resident who is suspected of being the victim of abuse or beatings by staff at the Bandarlampung Disdukcapil, has reported the person who abused him to the Bandarlampung Police.

He admitted that when he wanted to take care of population data at one of the service counters of the Bandarlampung Disdukcapil service, he received unpleasant treatment from the staff on duty.

"So I wanted to change the name on the family card because there was a name error, but the person told me to take a birth certificate, then I said 'delete it, bro,' then an argument ensued," he said again.

Then, he said, during an argument with one of the staff at the Disdukcapil, he was separated, but there was a push by the officers and he was put to sleep on the floor.

"That's where there was persecution against me by people wearing white clothes there," he also said.

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