BANYUWANGI - It is recorded that 16,000 residents using the Social Assistance Report have complained that social assistance has not been received. Now aid packages in the form of basic necessities have begun to be distributed.

"This assistance may not be able to meet the needs of all mothers and fathers. However, at least, this can be a trigger for the spirit that we are together in the midst of this pandemic," said Banyuwangi Regent Ipuk Fiestiandani during the distribution of basic necessities at the Watukebo Village office, Tuesday, 31 August.

This assistance is an online reporting program that was opened by the Banyuwangi Regency Government last week. Residents who have not received social assistance can report on the Lapor Bansos website.

"Residents can report themselves. Residents can also report other residents who are considered to need assistance, this is especially for residents who do not have access to cellphones and internet, so their neighbors can help report. Of course the targets are not recipients of government assistance so far," he explained. Ipuk.

Ipuk said that the central, provincial and Banyuwangi regency governments had distributed various social assistance schemes that reached more than 250,000 families who were included in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS). Starting from PKH, BPNT, Village BLT, Ministry of Social BST, BPUM, East Java Provincial Government safety net, and APBD assistance.

"But, we all know, the situation on the ground is very dynamic. This pandemic has a very broad impact. There must be residents who have not been reached for assistance. Don't blame the village head, lurah, and RT/RW. So we open online reporting," said Ipuk.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Banyuwangi Office of Social and Empowerment of Women and Children and Family Planning Henik Setyorini said that since it was opened on August 26, there have been around 16,000 data reporting. Currently the verification process continues.

"In this initial stage, we will distribute 2,800 food packages in stages according to what has been verified. Gradually, all applications will receive basic necessities," explained Henik.

The food packages contained rice, cooking oil, instant noodles, and sugar. One of the beneficiaries, Nurhida, said she was happy to receive the aid.

"Alhamdulillah, this assistance was able to reduce my food purchases," he said.

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