JAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has just commemorated its 76th Birthday on August 29. At that age, the legislative body is considered to continue to improve itself to absorb all the aspirations of the community. In particular, performance related to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Supervision of the handling of the pandemic is considered a positive thing to improve the image of the DPR in the eyes of the public.

"This is a good step for the DPR, under the leadership of DPR Chair Puan Maharani and 4 other deputy chairmen, who continue to learn to listen to the voices of the people who are having a hard time during the COVID-19 pandemic," said political observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Adi Prayitno, in Jakarta, Tuesday. , August 31.

According to him, the DPR, which is dominated by a coalition of parties supporting the government, has actually proven that its supervisory function has not diminished. Especially in supervising the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by the government.

"In the beginning there was public concern that the DPR would only become a government stamp, now that concern can be erased by the DPR's supervisory work which is very prominent during the pandemic," Adi explained.

"Without strict supervision from the DPR, the government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic could deviate from what it should be," he continued.

Adi praised the role of DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, who, although she is the leader of the largest political party supporting the government, is still critical of the authorities in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. good," said Adi.

As for the budget function, he continued, the DPR together with the government have also prepared a responsive APBN for handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from Perppu Number 1 of 2020, the 2021 State Budget Act has now overseen the discussion of the 2022 RAPBN.

"Without a state budget that is adaptive to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, government policies to deal with the pandemic may not be as responsive as it is today," Adi explained.

Meanwhile, in terms of legislation, Adi understands that DPR meetings in drafting laws are hampered by the COVID-19 case that attacked a number of members, in fact 10 members died. However, Adi said, as the COVID-19 case slowed, the DPR had to further increase its legislative work as part of the process of absorbing people's aspirations.

"So absorbing people's aspirations must be simultaneous, both in supervision, budgeting and legislation," he said.

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