JAKARTA - The opening of a school to hold face-to-face learning (PTM) in Jakarta starting today is greeted with enthusiasm by the community. However, there was a crowd that was generated.

Like at SDN Pejaten Timur 01 Pagi, there was a crowd of parents in front of the school waiting for their children to study. Then, crowds also occurred at SMK Negeri 26 Jakarta and SMK Negeri 32 Jakarta from parents who took their children to school.

Head of the Public Relations Sub-Division of the DKI Education Office, Taga Radja Gah, admitted that this crowd had occurred in the morning when students arrived at school and in the afternoon when they came home from school. In fact, the officers had several times reminded parents to keep their distance.

"When there are crowds, they are very fussy, security officers, keep their distance. Only observing thousands of people is difficult. In fact, children can be managed, parents are difficult to manage," Taga told reporters, Monday, August 30.

Therefore, Taga hopes that every school can urge parents to get used to complying with the implementation of health protocols in their respective schools.

"This means that this requires proactive school education. Please, parents of their children who have not yet left (from studying at school) who continue to chat here and there wear masks. It's a standard thing to do," said Taga.

"Then also Satpol PP, when you see a crowd of parents at school, you can also be reminded because this is for the common good so that learning at school remains smooth, healthy, safe, and comfortable," he continued.

As is known, as many as 610 schools from PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK, MTs, MA, to MI levels in Jakarta held limited face-to-face learning (PTM) during PPKM Level 3 starting today.

In detail, as many as 85 schools have held PTM trials since April 7, 138 schools on June 9, and an additional 372 schools will join PTM today.

The method of implementing learning is through blended learning, namely learning in class and learning online. In a week, PTM is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Meanwhile, on Tuesday and Thursday, disinfectant was sprayed throughout the school environment.

The DKI Provincial Government has not required that students entering school must have been vaccinated, but all teachers who teach at schools must have been vaccinated.

The face-to-face learning time for each level is as follows: a. SMA/SMK equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 5 hours of lessons (175 minutes a week) b. Junior high school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 4 hours of lessons (140 minutes a week) c. Elementary school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 3 hours of lessons (105 minutes a week) d. PAUD maximum 30 minutes x 2 hours of lessons (60 minutes a week)

Class conditions that apply face-to-face learning: a. SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTs, SD, MI, and learning equality programs by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class. b. SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, MTsLB and SMLB, MALB learn by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class. c. PAUD learns in class by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.

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