JAKARTA - Actions of terror hit Via Vallen's sword. His car, which was parked in front of his house in Kali Tenggah Selatan Village, Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, was burned by an unknown person, Tuesday, June 30.

The burning incident was said to have been carried out by someone with the initials P. However, the motive for the burning of the white luxury car was not yet known.

The Head of Sidoarjo Police, Kombes Sumardji, said the arson was carried out by the suspected perpetrator by pouring gasoline and setting it on fire. This is known based on the evidence found in the suspect's bag and surveillance camera footage.

"There is evidence that the bottle still smells of gasoline. In addition, we are also securing the bag which is used as evidence," Sumardji said, Tuesday, June 30.

In addition, based on surveillance camera recordings, the characteristics of the suspected perpetrator can be captured. The recording shows the clothes used and the body characteristics of the arsonists.

"We can see from the gesture, the clothes are almost the same as the perpetrators we secured," said Sumardji.

Suspected mental disorder

The alleged perpetrator of the arson is suspected of having a mental disorder. During the examination, his words were always changing and not related to the case. To confirm his psychology, a psychologist will be included in the examination.

"This person is pretending to be stupid or crazy, he said digressively. While we should leave it for now, we will see the progress after he is calm, we will check," said Sumardji.

In fact, when he was arrested and searched, not only mineral water bottles smelled of gasoline were found in his bag. Several items of mystical elements were also found. One thing that catches the eye, namely, objects that resemble humans but have fangs or are often known as jenglots.

"We find items such as shamanic tools, that's more or less," Sumardji said.

So far, investigations to find the motive behind the burning of the car belonging to Via Vallen are still being carried out. A number of witnesses have been questioned and evidence has been sent to the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) for further investigation.

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