JAKARTA - Head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Prof. dr. Amin Soebandrio W. Kusumo, PhD, SpMK(K) urges the public not to be picky about the vaccines used, because all COVID-19 vaccines approved for domestic use have met all the requirements and regulations set. it is already in sight, so it should be accepted immediately because after all, those who are not vaccinated will have a considerable risk compared to those who are vaccinated," he said when contacted by Antara, in Jakarta, Monday, August 30. If not vaccinated, he said. , people will have a much higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated. Even people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 can fall into severe conditions more quickly and threaten their lives. Moreover, he said, currently meeting the need for vaccines still depends on arrivals from abroad. If you just wait for a certain vaccine to come, you will not know when the vaccine will be available while the COVID-19 pandemic is not waiting to strike.

He stated that the COVID-19 vaccine was given with the aim of building the immune system against the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The Indonesian government, he said, had ensured that all vaccines used had passed safety and efficacy tests for public health purposes. The current use, according to him, is also in accordance with the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO), one of which is that the vaccine has an efficacy of more than 50 percent. tend to use certain vaccine brands, said Amin Subandrio.

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