JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission X Syaiful Huda asked the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) led by Nadiem Makarim to coordinate with local governments so that the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM) can be carried out in PPKM areas level 1 to 3. hundreds of schools have started since today.

This was said by Huda because it was considered that there had not been synchronization, both at the policy and operational level, between the 4 ministerial decrees and the efforts that should have been made by the ministry.

For example, said Huda, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology in a working meeting conveyed to members of the council that there were 12 local governments that still did not dare to give permits for the implementation of limited PTM, even though their areas were at level 1,2,3 PPKM.

According to him, in this context the Ministry of Education and Culture should take concrete action by going directly to areas that are not willing to open schools. Minister Nadiem, said Huda, is not enough just to convey his complaints to Commission X of the DPR.

"Asked, what are the obstacles, what problems can be divided into roles, what responsibilities must be carried out by the regional government and what responsibilities must be carried out by the central government so that PTM can be implemented," Huda said online, Monday, August 30.

The PKB politician assessed that coordination between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, Technology and the Regional Government was important so that the obstacles that had been the burden of local governments in determining the PTM option could be broken down by a model of coordination and cooperation between the two.

Because, continued Huda, the DPR hopes that schools will be the safest places for children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools, he said, must ensure that they provide a sense of security for students so that learning losses can be ended.

"So we propose how the Ministry of Education and Culture seeks good practices from school initiatives. Where schools should be the safest space for the protection of children," said Huda.

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