JAKARTA - Carrying out the profession as a police officer carries a high risk, especially when those in front of them are the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

For the police, the bloodshed is not just a story. Bloodshed is a consequence that must be faced when carrying out duties and defending the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono said that there were 14 Polri ASNs who became disabled due to accidents while on duty, either because they were hit by gunfire or grenades.

However, this does not become an obstacle for state soldiers to continue to contribute to Indonesia.

At least, this is what the First Officer (Pama) of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Iptu Anton Tonapa, said. He is the Commander of the Bravo 9 Belukar Team (Dantim) who was shot during a gun battle with the Papuan KKB.

The story against the Papuan KKB

"I came to Papua to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Anton firmly, describing his determination when asked to prepare ten personnel to become an investigation team.

At first, the team led by Anton was an evacuation team. However, there was a change in strategy exactly one day, namely on April 26, 2021, before the joint TNI-Polri team executed their plan to take action against the Papuan KKB.

The change in plan resulted in the Bravo 9 Belukar Team, which was originally an evacuation team, to become a follow-up team. This is intended to replace two Nanggala Teams and one Scrub Team which were already known to the KKB. Previously, the three teams were enforcement teams.

Anton Tonapa recounted that when they were making observations in Ilaga, Puncak Regency, Papua, they heard three gunshots targeting Bharada I Komang Wira Natha (who currently holds the posthumous rank of Bharatu). The shot hit Komang's arms, back and legs.

As a commander, Anton said that he was deeply shaken by the shooting of a soldier from his team. Moreover, Anton has a close relationship with Komang.

At that time, when Komang was still screaming his pain, Anton felt that Komang could still be saved. Therefore, he asked his team to evacuate swiftly and carefully in the midst of a hail of bullets coming from the hills.

Komang was arrested by his teammates, but the attack continued. Hot tin from KKB managed to hit Anton's back.

He said that his body felt cramped and even had numbness. Reflexively, Anton lay down and secured himself in the place where Komang had taken refuge.

The firefight that ensued resulted in the evacuation helicopter being unable to land. Cars and other vehicles also cannot be used to evacuate them because the terrain is too extreme.

Anton was forced to be directed to evacuate on foot. In fact, apart from Komang and Anton, there was Muhammad Syaifiddin who was shot in the stomach.

This condition caused the team led by Anton to feel devastated. Especially when Komang breathed his last before receiving treatment at the hospital.

The atmosphere of mourning enveloped all team members involved. However, these feelings did not stop their fighting spirit.

"I, injured and bleeding, walked a kilometre," said Anton.

When they reached the field with a more conducive situation, a helicopter from the National Police finally arrived and managed to make a landing.

Evacuation was then carried out for Anton and Syaifiddin by taking them to be treated at the Timika Hospital.

Post-event trauma

Although no vital organs were damaged, Anton said that he was still deeply traumatized by the shooting incident.

Anton said that he was haunted by a sound resembling a gunshot, he felt uncomfortable and scared when he got in the car, and even the image of the shooting when Anton was alone.

Every time there is a sound that resembles a gunshot, there is often a reflex to protect oneself.

Previously, while still undergoing treatment at Timika Hospital, he even jumped out of bed and shouted for his wife to lie down to avoid being shot. Although, the sound actually came from lightning.

"There I was traumatized, everything was haunting," he said.

Until now, Anton is still trying to recover from the trauma that haunts him after the incident.

Actions from the Police

The National Police gives priority to medical treatment for state defense soldiers as an appreciation for the services and bloodshed that have been given to maintain the integrity of Indonesia.

Anton said that no personnel were neglected, all of whom received the necessary treatment to restore the condition.

The police also facilitated Anton to carry out therapy to restore the trauma he was facing.

For the various facilities provided, Anton Tonapa expressed his gratitude to the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) and the Chief of Police (Kapolri).

Another award from the National Police Chief that impressed Anton a lot was the extraordinary promotion (KPLB) to a level higher than the old rank.

In fact, he hopes that all team members involved in the incident are given the convenience or acceleration to get promoted. Anton feels that his success is the result of teamwork that he could not have gone through alone.

Iptu Anton Tonapa advised all TNI and Polri to remain enthusiastic in undergoing training so that they are accustomed to any situation in the field.

The struggle of Anton and his team has shown that the Police as law enforcers are never afraid to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and take action against criminal groups. He hopes that the younger generation can continue the fighting spirit of the TNI and Polri in maintaining the integrity of Indonesia.

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