JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the progress of specimen examination results as of Monday, June 29. Based on the data, 11,783 specimens were examined. As a result, 1,082 people tested positive for a total of 55,092 people.

Yuri said that the number of specimens examined was relatively small due to the constraints on the weekend. Thus, some laboratories do not operate to carry out specimen examinations.

"We understand that on Saturday and Sunday there were 46 laboratories that were not operational due to working days off. Therefore, the examination of specimens to date for all specimens is 728,383," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Monday, June 29. .

Based on the distribution of positive cases, some of the same areas are still the biggest contributors. Namely, East Java, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi, and Central Kalimantan. However, some areas in between also have a fairly large recovery rate.

"If you look at the distribution of the spread, East Java today reported 297 new cases, but reported 171 cases recovered. Central Java reported 198 new cases with 43 recovered. South Sulawesi 188 cases with 52 recovered. DKI Jakarta reported 125 new cases and 254 recovered cases. Central Kalimantan 47 new cases and 49 recovered cases, "said Yuri.

In addition, 21 Provinces reported positive cases that were found below the number 10. In fact, as many as 13 Provinces also reported that there were no new cases that occurred in their regions.

Referring to the data on recovered cases, several areas were recorded to have contributed quite high numbers. Some of them are Aceh, Bengkulu, Yogyakarta, Jambi, West Kalimantan, Riau Islands, West Sumatra, Central Sulawesi, Lampung, North Maluku, West Sulawesi, NTT, and Gorontalo.

"The total recovered today is 864 people. So that the total becomes 23,800. 51 cases died to 2,805," said Yuri.

So far, 448 City Districts in 34 Provinces have been affected by COVID-19. Meanwhile, the number of people under surveillance (ODP) was 41,605 with 13,335 patients under surveillance (PDP).

Percentage of the world

Cases recovered in Indonesia can be said to be quite good. Because, if you compare it with the world cured cases which reached 54.15 percent, Indonesia has almost touched that number, although it is still around 15 percent less to match it.

"If we review the recovery data, the world average number of cases recovered is 54.15 percent. Indeed, our national figure is still below that, namely 41.48 percent," said Yuri.

However, if calculated per province, said Yuri, the percentage of cases recovered in several provinces in Indonesia was higher than that figure. In fact, some of them reached 80 percent.

"There are 5 provinces with recovery rates above 80 percent, including Bangka Belitung, Yogyakarta, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and Gorontalo," said Yuri.

Meanwhile, for the number of cases of death, said Yuri, the world was at 5.01 percent. Meanwhile, Indonesia is only slightly behind with 5.15 percent. In addition, the percentage of Indonesia is also better than Japan which has cases of death due to COVID-19 reaching 5.53 percent.

"Even 23 provinces, the figure is below the world figure of 5.01 percent. This is what we then believe that our optimism for patient recovery is getting better," Yuri concluded.

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