JAKARTA – The arrest of a gang of thugs extorting truck drivers who acted on the Jagorawi Toll Road, Jakarta Merak, is evidence of thuggery acts on the toll road. In fact, this gang of four could earn IDR 1 million in one day from the hands of truck drivers.

The head of the Cilandak Police, Kompol Agung Permana, said the money from the malak on the Jagorawi Toll Road was divided by four people, and the rest was used to pay for car rentals.

"In a day of savage action, you can get Rp. 1 million. Not bad, it can be up to Rp. 1 million. Just how much to rent a car. The important thing is to be able to cover the rental car and share the money," said Agung.

This gang, Agung said, consisted of Ricky, Jaja, Cipun, and Rizky. The four of them have been in action for a year. Agung also said that each truck driver or one car was withdrawn Rp. 20,000. If in one day the perpetrator gets Rp. 1 million, it means that the target of the perpetrator must reach 50 trucks.

The perpetrator has calculated the amount of money that must be achieved. Because, they have to pay for the car they rent around Rp. 350-500 thousand.

This gang targeted a truck driver who was stopped on the shoulder of the toll road. According to Kompol Agung, the rental car was used to eliminate traces of the police being chased. Even before they took action, Agung said, the gang had studied the situation on the toll road, they had read the hours.

"The four of them operate by harassing or blackmailing truck drivers who are resting on the side of the toll road. The method is like that," he added.

When this case was first revealed, police officers received information from one of the victims who reported it to the police on July 10 at the Kartini Toll Road.

"After that, one of the victims of this action reported to the Police. Then members of our Criminal Investigation Unit immediately after receiving the report went after him. One of the people had run away or escaped on behalf of Rizky. The mastermind of this crime." added Agung.

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