JAKARTA - The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ali Mochtar Ngabalin responded to the arrest of Yahya Waloni for the alleged blasphemy case.

Through his Twitter account, Ngabalin asked Yahya to learn more about preaching, so he would not be dragged into a legal case.

"Yahya, how are you, dinda? Learn a lot, if you still want to preach, greetings to Nur Sugi from Bang Ali," said Ngabalin in the @AliNgabalinNew account on Friday, August 27.

Ngabalin considered that Yahya's arrest by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police was in accordance with the laws and regulations. According to him, the notion of radicalism must be cleaned up in Indonesia.

"Thanks BARESKRIM for carrying out the mandate of the law. Our country must be clean of the influence of FUNDAMENTALISTS & RADICAL RADICALISM," he continued.

Screenshot of Twitter @AliNgabalinNew

Previously, the police arrested Ustaz Yahya Waloni based on reports from the public. In the report, Yahya Waloni's lectures uploaded on social media were said to have blasphemed religion.

"The person concerned was reported to have committed a criminal act in the form of hate speech based on SARA and also blasphemy against certain religions through lectures uploaded via videos on Tri Datu's Youtube account," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono to reporters.

The report to Yahya Waloni, said Rusdi, was carried out by the Cinta Pluralism community, which considered his lecture to be insulting to the Bible. The report was registered with the number LP/B/0287/IV/2021/BARESKRIM on 27 April 2021.

"The person concerned is suspected of having several articles, including the ITE Law Article 28 paragraph 2 juntco Article 45 a paragraph 2. Where in the article it is regulated that intentionally and illegally spreading information will cause hatred based on SARA," said Rusdi.

"And it is also alleged that Article 156a of the Criminal Code commits blasphemy against certain religions," he continued.

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