JAKARTA - The alleged burning of the flag of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is still under investigation after being reported to Polda Metro Jaya. Reporting of this case is not only at Polda Metro Jaya, but in several regions.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono said, although there are several reports in various regions, the investigation process will be under the authority of Polda Metro Jaya. This is because the location of the alleged arson is in Jakarta or precisely in the area of the DPR / MPR RI Building.

"Some have already reported to the police station and of course because of the locus delicti (where the incident occurred, red), they will be one in Jakarta," said Argo in Jakarta, Monday, June 29.

So far, continued Argo, several people have been questioned regarding the case. However, it was not explained in detail who or which party was examined. However, experts will be questioned in this case.

"More than five witnesses have been examined. Investigators are still investigating this report. We will also ask the expert (opinion, red) to examine it," said Argo.

PDI-P reporting

The case of the alleged burning of the PDI-P flag began to be investigated after a report was made by the party's legal team. The report has been registered under the number LP / 3.656 / 6 / VI / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ, dated July 26.

In that report, the perpetrators who are still under investigation are threatened with multiple articles. At least, there are three articles that are ready to ensnare them, for example, Articles 160, 170 and 156 of the Criminal Code.

PDI-P DPD Legal Counsel, Ronny Talapessy said the three articles contained acts of violence, vandalism and insulting the party. In addition, in the reporting of a number of evidence, such as screenshots from the mass media and video recordings of arson actions.

"The articles we report are articles 160, 170,156 of the Criminal Code related to criminal acts of violence, damage to property in the form of burning the PDI-Perjuangan flag and / or parenting to declare statements of hatred or contempt for the PDI-Perjuangan political party," said Ronny.

In addition, Deputy Chairman of the DPD PDI Perjuangan DKI Jakarta, Wiliam Yani emphasized that he strongly objected to the burning of his party's flag. Moreover, there are parties who say that the PDIP is PKI.

"We, as an official party recognized by the Law, object to the burning of the PDI-Perjuangan flag and then consider us to be PKI," said Wiliam.

For this reason, Wiliam asked the police to immediately thoroughly investigate the case to its roots. So, it will be known who the mastermind or the main figure in the PDIP flag burning case.

"We ask the police, apart from the arsonists, to check if there is not a mastermind behind it, there are no people behind him who make this atmosphere heated," said Wiliam.

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