JAKARTA - The permit for the implementation of Umrah from Saudi Arabia is now getting brighter. Not Indonesia is not allowed, in fact the Umrah policy is only open to local pilgrims.

The Director General of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Khoirizi, explained that the Saudi Arabian government had not yet opened the implementation of Umrah for pilgrims from abroad.

Although, he confirmed that the Saudi Arabian government had opened flights to 7 countries that had been suspended so far.

"The diplomatic note given to us by the Arab government is true that Saudi Arabia has opened flights to 7 countries that have been suspended so far, but only for believers and expatriates," said Khoirizi in a Webinar, Thursday, August 26.

This means, he continued, for those who have a residence permit in Saudi Arabia, if they are in Indonesia, they can return to Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the mukimin in Saudi Arabia if he wants to go to Indonesia can already return to his homeland. Likewise labor or expatriates.

"Therefore, I once again convey that there are no rules whatsoever regarding the implementation of Umrah, including Indonesia," said Khoirizi.

It is known, news about the opening of the implementation of Umrah previously circulated in a circular of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia regarding the plan to open the implementation of Umrah on August 10, 2021.

"August 10, there were countries that sent Umrah pilgrims but the procedures were strict. Second, the cost was very high because he had to carry out several COVID-19 protocols. That's what we are mitigating," said Khoirizi.

Update from the Consulate General in Jeddah

Consul for Hajj at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Endang Jumali, said that his party was still coordinating with the Saudi Arabian government regarding the implementation of Umrah. He ensured that until now there has been no new policy regarding Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia.

"Until today, there has been no new policy from Saudi Arabia regarding Indonesian Umrah pilgrims," said Endang virtually, Thursday, August 26.

He revealed that the latest Saudi policy was only to lift the direct flight ban from a number of countries that had previously been suspended. However, the revocation of the suspension only applies to foreigners, including Indonesia, who have a residence permit in Saudi Arabia.

"On August 24, the circular regarding civilian aircraft lifts the ban on direct flights or direct flights from suspended countries," he explained.

Although the suspension was lifted, Saudi Arabia also stipulates a number of conditions, such as having a complete vaccine (two doses) of a type of vaccine that is recognized by Saudi Arabia. The vaccine was obtained in Saudi before the foreign national returned to his country. Then when they arrive in Saudi, they must follow the health protocols set by the Saudis.

"But it is limited to those who first have Iqamah in Saudi Arabia, the second has been vaccinated after two doses of the vaccine that Saudi Arabia recognized before their return to their homeland. Third, the condition is that when he returns to Saudi Arabia he quarantines for 14 days," he said.

"So, there is no new policy regarding Indonesian Umrah pilgrims," continued Endang.

Meanwhile, for the sake of Umrah, continued Endang, the Saudi Arabian Aviation Authority or GACA on August 24, 2021 asked airlines to require every Umrah passenger to be certified with a complete vaccine (two doses) recognized by Saudi Arabia. The four vaccines are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson.

In addition, Saudi Arabia also asks prospective pilgrims who have received the Sinovac vaccine to get an additional injection (booster) of the recommended vaccine.

"Yesterday I went to the director of the Ministry of Health (Saudi Arabia) to re-assure whether the news circulating (permissible for Umrah, ed) said it was true. But he said that for Umrah, during the pandemic, countries that are going for Umrah are no longer red zones according to the Arab Ministry of Health. Saudi," said Endang.

The Ministry of Health is Ready to Fulfill the Conditions Proposed by Saudi Arabia

The Head of the Hajj Health Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Budi Sylvana, emphasized that the Indonesian government will provide whatever is best for prospective Umrah pilgrims who can go to the holy land. Including the matter of vaccination as a condition.

"I don't dare to assume, but the government in this case will definitely provide the best for the organizers of Hajj and Umrah. If you are asked to give another vaccine or what kind of vaccine, the government will definitely give the best," said Budi in a Webinar organized by AMPHURI, Thursday, August 26.

According to him, regarding the provision of the third vaccine, the Ministry of Health must also consult with KCPPEN and all related parties so that later the implementation of Hajj and Umrah, especially those that are required, can run well.

"Don't let this become a turmoil because later, for example, there will be exceptions to Hajj and Umrah, others will ask questions like that. So what is clear is that we will give the best," said Budi.

It is known, Saudi Arabia allows the use of the Sinovac vaccine. However, the latest requirement is that prospective pilgrims who have been injected with the second dose of the vaccine from China, must receive a booster or the third vaccine from four vaccines registered in Saudi Arabia. Namely, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson.

"If it is necessary (a third dose of vaccine, ed) we will give the best. But for now we are focused on maintaining that Sinovac can apply in Saudi. Because there are quite a lot of our citizens," he continued.

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