JAKARTA - Head of the Highways Division of the Bengkayang Regency Public Works Agency, West Kalimantan, Heri Fitriadi said, four road construction project activities in the region sourced from the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) will soon be realized.

"The current pandemic has caused the budget to be cut due to the focus on handling COVID-19 from both the central and local governments. However, there is good news from the Pempus from the DAK four activities and the Bengkayang Regency Government itself, in 2021 several roads will be built," he said when contacted in Bengkayang, Between, Thursday, August 26.

The first development is the handling of the Barasam Bombai Road Bridge with a span of 40 kilometers with a funding ceiling of IDR 9 billion with steel frame construction.

Then, the handling of the road on Jalan Panglima Libau requires a budget of Rp. 3.9 billion. Furthermore, the construction of the Sebujit-Tamong Road segment with a budget of Rp. 9.3 billion and the construction of the Road from Kapot to Batu Ampar of Rp. 4.6 billion.

"The project auction or tender process has been carried out and even a contract for funds sourced from DAK has been carried out," he explained.

He admits that the DAK allocation is very limited but remains the responsibility of handling or building roads. The DAU allocation for the construction of the Rangkang-Mamagan road that connects the national road access to offices with the required funds is around Rp. 5.6 billion.

"In the DAU itself, Rp2.6 billion is also allocated for the handling of the Sayung-Temu road. Furthermore, the handling of the Bukit Tinggi Road (Sebopet-Tampe) is Rp.4.5 billion.

"Besides that, there is also road management but the budget is not too big because it goes through the board's main ideas. Meanwhile, the budget sourced from the DAU will be tendered next week," he said.

In addition to being sourced from the DAK and DAU, in 2021 several provincial roads will be built, such as the Singkawang-Bengkayang road with a budget of Rp. 20 billion. The development is with a long segment mechanism.

"It means not continuously, for example from Singkawang full to Bengkayang. But seeing the most important or damaged conditions which are prioritized for handling. So later several segments," he explained.

In addition, there is also the handling of the Sebalo-Suti Semarang-Boundary Hedgehog road, work continues for excavation and stockpiling as well as the formation of the road body.

"So the road hardening for the provincial PUPR service has not yet been prioritized to improve the road geometry first, with a budget of IDR 6 billion and currently in the auction process," he said.

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