JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto reminded the people of Papua to comply with health protocols (prokes) to support the implementation of the XX National Sports Week (PON) which will be held in October 2021.

"All elements in Papua must have a high awareness of the discipline of health promotion which is the best prevention effort, and must become a necessity and part of daily life," said the Commander in Chief when leading a discussion and face-to-face with the Forkopimda of Papua Province, City and Jayapura Regency. , Antara, Thursday, August 26.

Marshal Hadi, who was accompanied by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that careful preparation was needed from various sides so that the PON implementation went well.

"The TNI-Polri will fully support it," said the former Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force (Kasau).

According to him, in order to welcome and support the upcoming XX PON, the community must also be healthy, avoiding COVID-19.

"The community must have been vaccinated so they can enjoy the matches and the sports that are competed," said the TNI Commander.

On the other hand, the TNI Commander explained that currently the Papua Province indicator data is improving, especially with a low mortality rate. However, the positivity rate is still high at 12.90 percent.

Meanwhile, Jayapura City is high in treatment and positivity rate, but the BOR is not high and the mortality rate is low. According to him, good treatment can reduce the death rate, but transmission is still quite high in the community. Likewise with Jayapura Regency.

"Tracing close contacts needs to be improved so that transmission is reduced, and the 'positivity rate' decreases. With tracing that is according to standards, it can accelerate the handling of patients who are confirmed positive," he said again.

Regarding vaccination, the TNI Commander said that the regional government together with relevant agencies, the TNI-Polri, BNPB, the Ministry of Health must improve synergy, communication, coordination and collaboration in vaccination management.

"There are 2 vaccination strategies at this time, centralized and pick-up the ball. We will go to the areas. An example from yesterday's airbase used a small boat to visit residents on the outskirts of Lake Sentani to be vaccinated. This is a good example," he also said.

Furthermore, the TNI Commander together with the National Police Chief reviewed the use of the Silacak Application, which was manned by 4 Pillars who served as officers who carried out tracing in the field.

When checking the 4 Pillar officers, the TNI Commander said that every officer must be active to move and update information on each case along with the existing dynamics.

"We have to be total, to carry out close contact tracing and protect the community from COVID-19. Strengthen assistance for brothers and sisters and monitor their health developments," he said again.

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