MEDAN - The Labuhanbatu Police Satreskrim team arrested SM (28), a man who went viral for forcing his 2-year-old son to smoke.

The Head of the Labuhanbatu Police, North Sumatra, AKBP Deni Kurniawan, explained that the police received an official report from the ex-wife of the perpetrator, NH (24) on Wednesday, August 25. From the report, the police immediately moved to arrest SM.

"After receiving a report from the victim's mother, members secured the perpetrators around her house in Pulo Hopur, Silumajang Village, NA IX-X District, North Labuhanbatu Regency," said AKBP Deni, Thursday, August 26.

AKBP Deni explained that the incident when the father ordered his biological child who was still a toddler to smoke began on Wednesday, August 18. Where at that time the reporter was in the room.

The perpetrator then sent a message via WhatsApp to his ex-wife with the reason that their child missed him.

"Then the suspect also made a video call to the reporter's WhatsApp and was picked up by the reporter. When the reporter picked up the video call, the suspect said to the reporter. Look at this your child, he misses you. You want to see your child destroyed," said AKBP Deni imitating the conversation between the reporter and the suspect. .

During the video call, SM gave a cigarette to the boy and lit a match and asked the victim to smoke a cigarette.

"Then, the victim smoked the cigarette and the victim immediately coughed. The suspect took the cigarette from the victim. After that, because the complainant could not stand seeing his child's treatment, the reporter took a screenshot and turned off the phone," said AKBP Deni.

Next, NH posted the screenshot on his Facebook account, Tuesday, August 24. The post went viral on social media.

"For the motive, as a form of threat to the reporter so that the reporter feels sorry for the victim and wants to reunite with the suspect (refer)," said AKBP Deni.

The suspect was charged with Article 89 paragraph (2) sub-article 77B of Law No. RI. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection or Article 45 of Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence.

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