JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo invites students to maintain national unity and integrity. Because they are the next generation of the nation.

This was conveyed by the National Police Chief General Lsityo Sigit when giving encouragement and briefing to the new students of President University.

“Eliminate all differences. Use Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as a guideline," said the National Police Chief in an official statement, Jakarta, Thursday, August 26.

In addition, there are several more messages from the National Police Chief to the students. Among other things, discipline, increasing faith and piety to God Almighty.

"Make faith and piety the basis of every action, both when studying and in daily life," said the National Police Chief.

Then, he expects students to study hard. The goal is to become students with superior human resources (HR).

"Never stop learning and improve competence. Make the motto 'no day without learning' as a trigger for enthusiasm in pursuing goals," said Sigit. Furthermore, the National Police Chief gave a special message to students to protect themselves and the PresUniv campus environment from things that can ruin their future.

"Students must stay away from various cultures that can damage morals, including staying away from drugs," said National Police Chief Listyo Sigit.

The last message from the National Police Chief, Listyo Sigit, was to ask students to respect the lecturers and obey all the regulations that exist in the campus environment. "Keep the good name of President University's alma mater," said Sigit.

On this occasion, the National Police Chief reminded students that the COVID-19 pandemic was not over. For this reason, he asked students and the general public to strictly implement health protocols.

“For students who have not been vaccinated, as soon as they finish studying, they go directly to vaccine outlets so they can be vaccinated. This is to immediately create herd immunity or communal immunity," he said.

In addition, the National Police Chief appreciated and expressed his gratitude to all PresUniv lecturers. "I am grateful to the lecturers who tirelessly continue to provide their knowledge and knowledge to all students, so that later they can make Indonesia superior," he said.

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