JAKARTA - Towards the new normality of the COVID-19 pandemic, fitness centers are starting to operate again. With a note, the operating time is determined by the local government.

Reisa Broto Asmoro, the public communication team of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, explained that a health protocol in a fitness center is needed. This is because sports facilities, such as a gym, fitness center, yoga house, pilates studio, and gymnastics, are shared.

In carrying out this protocol, sports should be done without moving places, or sports should be done in a parallel position and a minimum distance of 2 meters from other people.

Furthermore, for walking sports, try to be at a distance of approximately 5 meters from the person in front of him. Meanwhile, those who run should be approximately 10 meters away from the person in front of them. For those who are cycling, keep a distance of approximately 20 meters from the person in front of them.

"After exercising, remember to wash your hands immediately, take a shower, change clothes, clean all our sports equipment and belongings, such as cellphones, glasses, bags, and other items with disinfectant liquid," said Reisa at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Sunday. , 28 June.

Meanwhile, fitness center owners and managers must understand the risk status of COVID-19 in their city or district. Managers are required to maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters between participants.

The gym manager must also provide means of washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer. Instruct participants or customers or studio members to bring their own equipment and should not use tools that are shared.

"Managers must also provide information about COVID-19 and how to prevent it. Make sure the personal trainer instructors, workers and members who come to the fitness center are aware of their health conditions," he said.

Then, do an independent analysis related to COVID-19. If the assessment states that anyone is at risk of COVID-19 or has a temperature above 37.3 degrees Celsius, then entry into the fitness center is prohibited.

Then, create a clear flow of fitness center entry and exit and delay the distance of at least 1 meter. Registration officers and cashiers must always wear a mask and face shield.

Furthermore, managers are required to limit the number of members who practice in order to apply the principle of keeping distance. The number of members who can practice in each session is adjusted to the number of sports equipment, with a maximum density of 4 square meters or a minimum distance of 2 meters between members.

Limit the number of members entering the locker room or locker. Designing a training schedule for the members, then disinfection of sports equipment before and after use, periodically at least 3 times a day. And the distance between the load lifting equipment is at least 2 meters.

Provide dividers for cardio tools, such as treadmills, electical machines. Then minimize and avoid using AC. Strived for air circulation through open doors and windows.

"People who are elderly are not recommended to train in a fitness center, exercise activities for the elderly should be done privately or in the form of home visits. Remember, don't be forced to come when sick," said Reisa.

Health protocol in swimming pools

Reisa added, there are a number of special protocols that must be implemented in swimming pools. He said, the public could already use the swimming pool fitness area if the manager could ensure that the pool to be used was safe from COVID-19.

"Managers ensure that swimming pool water uses disinfectants with chlorine 1 to 10 ppm, or bromine 3 to 8 ppm, so that the pH of the water reaches 7.2 to 8. Every day, the results must be posted on the information board, so that all users know," he said.

Then, the manager ensures that cleaning and disinfection is carried out regularly on all surfaces and around the pool, such as the seats, floors, and facilities around the pool.

Third, the number of swimming pool users must be limited so that they can maintain a good distance in or around the swimming pool and implement distance care, especially in the changing room. Ensure that the guest who will be using the swimming pool is in a healthy condition and must complete the COVID-19 risk self-assessment form.

"Then, bring your own swimming equipment including a towel. Finally, don't forget to use a mask before and after swimming," added Reisa.

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