PALU - Palu Mayor Hadianto Rasyid is optimistic that the case of the COVID-19 pandemic in his area will slope if there is government intervention.

For example, through testing, tracing, and treatment (3T) as well as other activities that can narrow the movement of transmission in the community.

Data from the COVID-19 Data and Information Center (Pusdatina) of Central Sulawesi Province as of Monday, August 24, stated that the number of patients recovering from the corona virus, either in self-isolation, in places provided by the government and patients undergoing treatment in hospitals, reached 966 people from a total of 966 people. 2,100 active cases.

"Over the past week the community's recovery rate has increased. We hope that this situation will continue to show a better direction," he said in Palu, Antara, Wednesday, August 25.

Various efforts made by the relevant agencies in handling COVID-19 are quite good in reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Including government intervention through tightening the mobility of citizens or quarantine of micro areas in certain areas affect the recovery rate of residents.

"The optimization of 3T is very important, with the application of an effective micro 'lock' (regional quarantine, ed.) facilitating the intervention of a rapid test service or antigen 'rapid test' in an isolated area," he said.

He invited residents to comply with health protocols as recommended by the government as an effort to prevent exposure to COVID-19.

Another policy of the Palu City Government on the extension of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 4 provides concessions or adjustments to a number of community activities, such as weddings and other forms of celebration, including social activities in public places.

"The possibility of an effective micro 'lock' will continue and will target other kelurahan where the risk of transmission is quite massive in one particular area. We will announce the decision in the near future after the results of the investigation by the Palu City COVID-19 Task Force," said Hadianto.

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