JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, was sued by seven residents at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the handling of floods. In response to this, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Legal Bureau, Yayan Yuhanah, admitted that he was ready to face the lawsuit.

"We respect the decision of residents who sued the PTUN, because in carrying out this government, we highly uphold the principles of law and democratic values," said Yayan at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, August 25.

Yayan explained, previously the seven residents had submitted an objection letter regarding the handling of the Jakarta flood to Anies on March 5, 2021.

Anies has also replied to the letter in response to the residents' objections. However, it turned out that the residents were not satisfied with Anies' answer letter. Finally, they sued Anies to the Administrative Court. Yayan also admits that he welcomes this step.

"We have responded through a letter of response to the residents. We respect the decision of the residents who responded back with a lawsuit in the Administrative Court. For that, we are ready to answer the lawsuit in the Administrative Court," he said.

Previously, the spokesman for the Solidarity Advocacy Team for Flood Victims, Sugeng Teguh Santoso, said that his party had filed a flood handling lawsuit as representatives of seven residents to Anies to the Administrative Court.

The residents include Tri Andarsanti Pursita, Jeanny Lamtiur Simanjuntak, Gunawan Wibisono, Yusnelly Suryadi D, Shanty Widhiyanti, Virza Syafaat Sasmitawidjaja, and Indra. They are residents of Jakarta who became victims of floods in early 2021.

They have three lawsuits filed against Anies. First, build and increase the capacity of drainage channels to overcome waterlogging, especially in the Districts of Tebet, Mampang, Pondok Pinang, Bintaro, Kalibata, Friday Market, and the geographical area of water basins/parking, normalization of Pesanggrahan River, Grogol River, Krukut River, New River, Mampang River, Cideng River, Ciliwung River and Secretary River.

Second, restoring the capacity of steady flow channels, especially Ciliwung River, Cakung River, Sunter River, Cipinang River, Buaran River, Jati Kramat River, and East Baru River, structuring riverbanks through controlling illegal buildings on the banks of Ciliwung River, East Baru River, Cipinang River. , Sunter River, Jati Kramat River and Buaran River.

Third, implement efforts to prevent macro flooding in Jakarta.

“Furthermore, the plaintiff also asked the Jakarta Administrative Court panel of judges to punish the defendant to compensate for the loss of Rp. 1,081,950,000 and paying court fees,” said Sugeng.

Sugeng admitted that the plaintiffs had previously sent an administrative objection letter on March 5, 2021 to the Governor of DKI Jakarta, which the defendant responded to on May 5, 2021.

"However, the response basically did not accommodate the plaintiffs' requests at all," said Sugeng.

Furthermore, the plaintiffs have sent an administrative appeal letter on April 9, 2021 to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, in this case to the Minister of Home Affairs as the supervisor of the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Then on June 10, 2021, the plaintiffs received a letter of response from the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs which explained that what the plaintiffs had requested was being processed with the regional government and the relevant Ministries or Institutions.

The plaintiffs saw this answer as inappropriate and did not respond to their demands. Observing it all, a lawsuit to the Administrative Court is the next step.

“In principle, we have made administrative efforts in disputes over government administrative actions, which are now under the authority of the state administrative court based on PERMA No. 2/2019. Because there was no adequate response from the institution or official concerned, we proceeded with filing a lawsuit at the Administrative Court," said Sugeng.

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