JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said his party would look for new ways to conduct wiretapping. This is done because now prospective corruptors are getting smarter to trick the anti-corruption commission.

"Of course we have to somehow improve our tools or something, so that we can capture communications that are not only by telephone but via email and so on," said Alex in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube, Tuesday, August 23.

He said that currently the prospective corruptors are considered to have learned a lot because they have seen the trial of corruption cases where the evidence presented is usually the result of wiretapping. "So they are now more careful in carrying out conversations or using cellphones for transactions," said Alex.

He did not deny that the arrest operation (OTT) which is often carried out by the KPK is usually initiated from the results of the wiretapping. However, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, his party could not supervise the registered numbers because they would be overwhelmed.

So, to continue taking action against corruption, the KPK seeks to do case building or investigate existing corruption cases. "So we don't just rely on tapping devices," said Alex.

Moreover, this OTT usually occurs because the mobile phone users who were tapped by the anti-corruption commission made carelessness so that they or potential corruptors could be followed by the movement.

Furthermore, Alex ensured that his party would not relax the action despite various challenges. "We, the leadership, will not reduce the intensity of action, as long as the human resources work in the office, we will speed it up. We will encourage the summons of witnesses as long as there are no obstacles," he said.

"So there is no leadership policy to put the brakes on prosecution," he concluded.

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