JAKARTA - Liga 1 season 2021-2022 will be held at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta, on Friday, August 27. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that his party did not have any problems in organizing sports activities in the area.

"That's no problem. We don't do it once or twice, we carry out prokes for activity events," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 24.

Riza said he was grateful that DKI could be trusted to host the Liga 1. DKI would ensure the safety of the organizers of the football event could take place in a conducive manner.

"Hopefully the implementation can be sporty, there will be no riots, conflicts, let alone brawls, fights, and so on," said Riza.

"We ask all supporters to be sporting in maintaining all existing facilities, guarding the parks, stadiums, ours together. Let's be wise spectators," he continued.

Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit gave permission regarding the implementation of the 2021-2022 Liga 1 competition. But with various strict conditions regarding the application of health protocols.

The first condition is that there are no team supporters or supporters in the match. That means they can't see it live.

"Therefore, we have agreed and this has also been approved by PSSI, then club owners from league 1 and league 2 must also agree with fellow supporters, leaders of football supporters for this time's implementation in the early stages without spectators," said Sigit.

Another requirement is that all players and officials involved must undergo vaccination. In fact, all of them also have to undergo PCR tests before and after the match.

"Players and officials who will be playing active matches must have been vaccinated twice. The second time will be active one day before a PCR examination to make sure that players and officials are negative from COVID-19," said Sigit.

"Then, the number of officials and spectators is limited and after being active, PCR or antigen swab examinations are carried out again," continued Sigit.

Furthermore, at the location of the implementation will also be installed care and protect applications. So, everything will be detected related to the spread of COVID-19.

In the future, the National Police will evaluate the implementation of the 1 and 2 leagues after 3 matches. If later there is an increase in the spread of COVID-19, it is not impossible that the permit will be revoked.

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