JAKARTA - The architectural media platform, Rethinking The Future (RTF) places Jakarta as the city with the worst urban planning in the world.

Responding to this, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta admitted that he had only just learned about the assessment of the worst urban planning in the world. Riza said his party would study this assessment.

"We will study whether Jakarta is the worst city in the world in terms of urban planning," said Riza at the DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday, August 23.

Riza claimed that all DKI Governors during their tenure tried to make Jakarta a better city. However, he admits that the complexity of urban planning problems in Jakarta is not easy to fix.

"It is not easy, we focus on flood control, on transportation. Of course we will all improve it, so that Jakarta becomes a better city in line with the big cities in the world," he said.

It is known, in its official website, RTF describes Jakarta as the capital city of a country that has high air pollution and a lot of polluted water. Jakarta is said to be the worst designed place on Earth.

RTF stated that immature infrastructure planning interventions over the past few decades have led to Jakarta's poor quality of life.

This is contributed from the state of inadequate green open space, extreme traffic congestion, and unplanned expansion of the city.

Then, another contributing factor is that infrastructure development is in the hands of local governments, thereby reducing the possibility of implementing long-term projects.

Cities in other countries that are labeled the worst after Jakarta are Dubai, Saudi Arabia; Brasilia, Brazil; Atlanta, United States of America; São Paulo, Brazil; Boston, United States of America; Missoula, United States of America; Naypyidaw, Myanmar; New Orleans, United States of America; and Dhanka, Bangladesh.

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