JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) must be constructive regarding relations between Indonesia, Afghanistan and the Taliban after the successful evacuation of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) on Saturday, August 21.

"Considering the good relations between Indonesia and Afghanistan and the Taliban, it is natural for the Foreign Minister to continue to be constructive," said HNW in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara.

He considered that the success of the evacuation which took place smoothly and quickly was due to Indonesia's good relations with the parties in Afghanistan. Therefore, he hopes that the Foreign Minister can encourage the world community to help solve problems in Afghanistan.

At the same time, the government took an approach that the Foreign Minister referred to as "Afghan-Led" and "Afghan-Owned", namely by prioritizing the interests and interests of Afghanistan in realizing peace and solutions by involving all parties within the country, he said.

According to him, it is important that the Foreign Minister's wise attitude is voiced more seriously and more actively through international forums such as at the United Nations and the OIC.

He added that considering that the Taliban currently controls Afghanistan "de facto", but there is still resistance from Panshir led by Ahmad Mashood and Vice President Amrullah Sholih, it is important for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out its lobbying role to prevent open war among Afghans.

"The reason is, if an open war occurs, it will drag Afghanistan into worse political, economic and social conditions and make the Afghan nation and nation more miserable," he said.

Not only that, he reminded the Taliban to learn from bad experiences and negative images not to repeat it again when in the past they had ruled in Afghanistan.

The Taliban, he continued, are expected to truly fulfill the promises they have made that they are ready to carry out better policies.

The deputy chairman of the PKS Shura Council said the Taliban must realize their open promises related to respect for women's rights, general pardons, guarantees for the security of foreigners, and not to make Afghanistan a place of terrorism that attacks foreign citizens and countries, including not making the country a place of terrorism. as an area for international drug transactions.

"All of this must be carried out seriously for the good of Afghanistan and the image of Islam as a religion that is 'rahmatan lil alamin' (grace to the universe) but is often misunderstood because it is associated with terror and terrorism, intolerance, and is not friendly to women," he explained.

He appreciated the success of the Indonesian government through the success of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in evacuating Indonesian citizens from Afghanistan, including Indonesian citizens with Afghan partners without any problems such as what happened when the United States plane was about to evacuate its citizens from Afghanistan.

He hoped that those who were successfully evacuated would get their rights as citizens. In addition, Indonesian Embassy officials who are still on duty in Kabul are expected to continue to ensure the safety and smooth running of their work as promised by the Taliban.

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