JABAR - West Java (Jabar) Governor M Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil targets West Java Province to become the first champion or investment center in Southeast Asia (ASEAN). For years, West Java has become the number one investment center or destination in the country."

"I'm targeting all those present, we must advance to class, we must become the first investment champion in Southeast Asia (ASEAN), no longer in Indonesia. So everyone must move," said Ridwan Kamil after launching the West Java Investment Ecosystem via online, Antara , Thursday, August 19.

To support this, Kang Emil requested that the West Java Investment Ecosystem could encourage increased investment and ease of doing business, especially for SMEs.

The West Java Investment Ecosystem is a synergistic and integrated media that plays a role in identifying, mapping investment potential, opportunities, and challenges, and facilitating business for business actors, both for large, medium, and MSMEs.

Identification of investment opportunities also includes the availability of supporting infrastructure for connectivity that connects and optimizes economic potential in West Java, both in the northern and southern regions.

"West Java's economic growth in the second quarter of 2021 accelerated to 6.13 percent (YoY) after previously in the first quarter of 2021 it was still -2.44 percent (YoY). Investment is the driving factor for the high rate of economic growth which contributed almost 25 percent. percent of West Java's economic growth," he said.

The realization of PMA and PMDN investment in West Java in the first semester of 2021 has reached Rp72.46 trillion.

In detail, the realization of PMA is Rp. 44.27 trillion and the realization of PMDN is Rp. 28.19 trillion. This figure has reached 56.90 percent of the target set by the Ministry of Investment / BKPM of IDR 127 trillion in 2021.

Head of the West Java Province One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) Noneng Komara Nengsih said the West Java Provincial Government had carried out various activities to improve the investment ecosystem.

Starting from the preparation and dissemination of regulations related to investment and ease of doing business in West Java, the campaign for the Business Identification Number (NIB) for MSMEs and exploring investment potential and opportunities for MSME actors through the Cinematography of Investment Festival (Cifest) event.

"Then we will also optimize the West Java Investment Hub (WJI-Hub) as a medium that can be used for showcase and networking between project owners and potential investors," he said.

The Head of Bank Indonesia West Java Representative, Herawanto said, through the investment ecosystem, it is hoped that a blue print, roadmap, and action plan for investment development and ease of doing business in West Java can be arranged.

To strengthen the commitment to support the pentahelix component and all relevant stakeholders, in the launching series, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was also signed and a joint commitment to build an investment ecosystem to realize “Champion Investments”.

The signing was carried out by 18 agencies representing the West Java pentahelix component, including the Head of West Java OJK Indarto Budiwitono, Head of the West Java Dekranasda Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil, banking leaders including the President Director of Bank BJB, Regional Heads of BCA and HIMBARA Banks, HIPMI, Kadin, ISEI and the West Java Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI).

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