JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP, Arief Poyuono, assessed that the presence of the State Policy Guidelines (PPHN) was urgently needed to guide the direction of Indonesia's revival in catching up. However, he said, PPHN would be in vain if the presidential term of office was only for 2 terms.

"There is no point in having PPHN if the president only has two terms," said Arief, Wednesday, August 18.

The reason, continued Arief, the presence of the PPHN will make the president-elect report any progress he has made in accordance with the course mandated by the MPR RI.

However, he said, PPHN would be useless if the president as a mandatory was not able to carry out what had been outlined. Including corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).

"It's even more difficult, if the presidential regulation can only serve for 2 terms with each period of 5 years not being changed," he said.

According to Arief, the 2-term rule actually makes it difficult for the president to gain trust. This is because solid leadership can only be created in the second period. "And even then in 5 years the second period took 2 years to start. Then get full support at home and abroad," he said.

Meanwhile, when the new construction could take place in the third year of the second period, said Arief, the election issue had come and damaged the consolidation that was built by the government. This condition makes investors do not have a guarantee of a solid government in development. , that PPHN is very important. However, what is more important than that is that the president who implements it must be given a rational time opportunity to be able to implement it. "PPHN can only run by a strong president, not KKN and pro-people. But 2 periods will not be enough to build investor confidence," he said. .

Previously, the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, considered that there was a need to amend the Basic Law to accommodate the Basic Principles of State Policy (PPHN). Therefore, a limited amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is needed, especially the addition of the MPR's authority to stipulate PPHN.

"The process of changing the Constitution in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has strict requirements and mechanisms. Therefore, amendments to the Constitution can only be made to articles that are proposed to be amended along with the reasons," said Bambang Soesatyo in his introductory speech to the MPR Annual Session at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta Parliament Complex, Monday, August 16.

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