JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Committee I DPD RI, Fernando Sinaga, criticized the speech of the Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, who informed him about the development of the Village BUM Bill which was being discussed at the first level with the government.

At the Opening of the First Session of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) Session Year 2021–2022, Puan revealed several Draft Laws (RUUs) which are currently under first-level discussion with the government.

Some of them are the Personal Data Protection Bill, the Disaster Management Bill, the Taxation Bill, the Central and Regional Financial Relations Bill, the Road Bill, the Village Owned Enterprises Bill (BUM Desa) and the National Sports System Bill.

"It should be noted together that the Village BUM Bill was originally drafted by the DPD RI," Fernando told reporters on Monday, August 16. The senator from North Kalimantan province reminded that DPR Speaker Puan Maharani must ensure the participation of the DPD RI in all stages of the first-level discussion. Starting from the Panja, Timus and Timsin, and the opinion of the DPD RI regarding the BUM Desa Bill together in a tripartite forum. "So I remind the DPR RI to be committed and hold fast to implementing the decisions of the Constitutional Court (MK), namely in all material matters. The discussion of the bill starting from the Panja to Timus and Timsin must be carried out in a tripartite manner, the DPR RI, DPD RI and the Government," he emphasized. 3 main problems. First, the existence of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is still oriented to quantity and does not pay attention to quality aspects. "So it has the potential to cause losses in village financial management and does not have any implications for village development," said Fernando.

Second, Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages is considered very partial and there are no concrete provisions governing the existence of BUMDes.

"While the third problem is related to the Government Regulation (PP) which was born as a derivative of the Act, it makes regional heads even more confused because of the overlapping rules," said Fernando.

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