JAKARTA - The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) held a writing competition with the themes 'Respect the Flag according to Islamic Law' and 'Singing the National Anthem according to Islamic Law'. The competition was known as an activity ahead of Santri Day. Several parties had strongly criticized the theme of the article writing competition held by BPIP. The criticism came from the Head of Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Busyro Muqoddas, who encouraged the disbandment of BPIP if the institution was of no use. Similarly, the Ulama from West Sumatra, Anwar Abbas, assessed that BPIP did not have social sensitivity in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding such a competition.
Agreeing with the MUI, the chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI, Jazuli Juwaini, assessed that the writing competition held by the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) was tendentious and had the nuances of a clash between state and religion. "BPIP is very insensitive to Indonesian nationality. Even though both are mutually reinforcing Indonesian nationalism. Has there been a problem with respecting the flag and singing the national anthem among the majority?," Jazuli Juwaini told reporters, Sunday, August 15. a more substantive, visionary, and progressive theme for the nation's young generation. "Our students, students, students have advanced minds, why are they offered a theme that has long been completed and is even final for Indonesia. Instead, this theme can cause polemics and uproar in society ," he said. This senior PKS politician asked that the competition be canceled or a theme be found more relevant and substantive for the progress of the nation. The theme raised by BPIP does not reflect the national and sociological conditions of the Indonesian people. When the PKS structure is carried out, BPIP is asking for the second law in Islam," he said.
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