JAKARTA - Musician I Gede Ari Astina alias Jerinx has officially received an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine at Polda Metro Jaya. Jerinx was injected with the Sinovac brand of vaccine.
"Today @true_jrx received the Bidokkes vaccine from Polda Metro Jaya," wrote the official Instagram account @poldametrojaya, Sunday, August 15.
Previously, it was planned that Jerinx would be injected with the vaccine tomorrow, Monday, August 16, tomorrow. However, today Jerinx has visited the Polda Metro Jaya for an injection of the vaccine.
Jerinx, who has a history of hepatitis and heart disease, previously felt that he could not be vaccinated. However, he said the decision for the vaccine was taken after reading and discussing with virologists regarding vaccine products. Because Jerinx considered his medical history.
"After reading science and discussing with virology Dr Indro. I decided tomorrow (August 16) to take the Sinovac vaccine," Jerinx wrote on his Instagram account @true_jrx, Sunday 15 August.
"He managed to convince me that Sinovac is safe for a medical history owner like me," he continued.
Jerinx also criticized the policy on COVID-19 vaccination requirements which were used as a condition for mobility and licensing in various sectors. He said that such a policy was discriminatory.
However, Jerinx still invites the public to support the national vaccination program so that the COVID-19 pandemic is quickly controlled.
"Discriminatory attitudes towards people who have or have not been vaccinated are a setback. Rather than discrimination, education is better," he said.
Jerinx also warned people who have comorbidities to first consult a doctor. So that they get a vaccine brand that fits the criteria for certain residents' conditions.
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