JAKARTA - The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) has denied the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman which stated that there was an insertion of articles on the implementation of the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

According to him, even if there is a difference in each meeting decision until the article on the implementation of the TWK finally appears, it is a normal thing to happen.

"I don't think there is such a term for the insertion of paragraphs in the process of drafting laws and regulations. Because the process has many dynamics, even if those present are different, the thoughts are different, then the proposals are different. So at any time the substance of each meeting can be on and off. That is common in drafting regulations," said Deputy Head of BKN Supranawa Yusuf in an online press conference, Friday, August 13.

He also revealed that TWK as carried out by KPK employees to change employee status to State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is not a new thing. This test, continued Supranawa, is included in the basic competencies that are usually carried out by prospective civil servants.

According to him, this test is actually important to prove the loyalty of ASN candidates to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the legitimate government.

Supranawa also said that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had actually suggested that TWK should not be carried out and that employees only needed to collect a statement of their loyalty. "But this develops in meetings, discussions, 'is this statement enough?'

"So it was finally agreed that there was an article that regulates the TWK," Supranawa added.

Supranawa also never thought about who proposed the implementation of the TWK because everyone was allowed to express their opinion at the meeting. "If everything is okay, it's just entered the formula," said Supranawa.

"So once again there is no verse insertion. I think so," he added.

As previously reported, the report on the final results of the examination by the Indonesian Ombudsman stated that the insertion of a paragraph on the implementation of the TWK occurred when the commission's regulations were being discussed. This is because this clause only appeared on January 25, 2021 or the day before the last harmonization meeting.

Even though the meeting to draft the commission's regulations has taken place since August 2020. "The appearance of the TWK clause is a form of insertion of a verse. The appearance of a new verse and it appears in the last months of this process," said RI Ombudsman member Robert Na Endi Jaweng at a press conference delivering the final results. examination of complaints by KPK employees that was broadcast online, Wednesday, July 21.

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