JAKARTA - The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) has denied the statement by the Indonesian Ombudsman stating that it is incompetent in the implementation of the National Insight Test (TWK) which is attended by employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Deputy Head of BKN Supranawa Yusuf said his party was authorized and competent to carry out tests as a condition for transferring the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

"BKN confirms that we are very competent in carrying out the National Insight Test Assessment. Therefore, we, BKN object to the conclusion of the Indonesian Ombudsman. We state that this conclusion is an incorrect conclusion," Supranawa said in an online press conference, Friday, August 13. .

BKN, he continued, has the task of conducting coaching and conducting competency assessments so that there is no need to doubt. This is also regulated in Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus.

In addition, Supranawa said that BKN has the right to receive assistance to carry out TWK for KPK employees and this is in accordance with Law Number 30 of 2014 Article 35 Paragraph 1 letters a and b.

In this law, government agencies or officials can provide official assistance to the requesting agency. However, there are conditions that must be met, such as the agency cannot carry it out on its own or the agency lacks human resources and facilities.

The appointment of assessors from outside BKN can be done by BKN and this is in accordance with Article 13 Paragraph 7 and Article 5 Paragraph 2.

"BKN in conducting the assessment can involve middle and primary level HR assessors from other government agencies and independent assessors according to the criteria set out in this BKN regulation," said Supranawa.

Previously, the Indonesian Ombudsman stated that BKN was incompetent when carrying out the TWK assessment of KPK investigator Novel Baswedan and his colleagues. The reason is that this institution does not have the instruments and assessors to carry out the transfer of the status of KPK employees to ASN.

In addition, the Indonesian Ombudsman also found that the KPK and BKN had deviated from procedures in the implementation of the TWK, especially in signing a memorandum of understanding and self-management contracts related to the implementation of this assessment. This is evidenced by the manipulation of the date or back date on the signed file.

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