JAKARTA - A researcher at the Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus, called the 2019-2024 People's Representative Council (DPR) the worst DPR in the reform era.

The reason is, during the 2 years running performance of the DPR for the current period, only 4 products have been produced. In fact, after the annual session on August 16, the honorable people's council will start a new session in its third year.

"During the fifth session, it means that the final session period is 2020-2021, meaning that the 2019-2024 DPR has passed the 2019-2024 trial period in the course of their term of service. And of course, as we have conveyed in every evaluation so far, I think the performance of the 2019-2024 DPR- 2024 to 2 years could be the worst DPR performance," said Lucius in the release of the DPR Performance Evaluation for the V Session Year 2020-2021 session titled #DPRKemana? virtually, Thursday, August 12.

In fact, said Lucius, the current DPR period is worse than the previous period, namely the 2014-2019 DPR.

"Yesterday the DPR's performance in 2014-2019 was the worst in the reform era. But it seems that there is something worse than that in terms of performance and that is the current DPR," said Lucius.

"Imagine that until 2 years after the end of the DPR session, only 4 priority laws have been successfully passed," he continued.

The condition, he continued, is very worrying. Because, said Lucius, of the 100 priority bills for the new 5 years, 4 of them were successfully passed by the 2019-2024 DPR in 2 years of work.

"This is very much less than the 2014-2019 DPR, which in its first 2 years was able to produce dozens of laws," said Lucius.

Formappi explained that in the first year the DPR 2014-2019 produced 6 laws, while in the second year there were 10 bills. "So there are 16 priority bills for the DPR 2014-2019 in the first two years of their work," he said.

"For now, there are only 4. So this alone shows the portrait or potential of the 2019-2024 DPR to become the DPR with the worst performance for the DPR in the reform era," said Lucius.

Much more worrying, he continued, is the situation related to the implementation of other DPR functions. For example, supervision and budgeting should shine brightly in the midst of a difficult situation during the ongoing pandemic.

"But the fact is, instead of showing adequate performance from the implementation of functions, from day to day we are only busy with various controversies from policy irregularities and strange behavior of the DPR," explained Lucius.

Not to mention, he said, several policies related to requests for special facilities, special facilities, there are also those who carry out weddings during the pandemic in restaurants.

"These are things that make us all feel that as representatives of the people, the DPR has failed to be present for the people in a situation where the people need them the most," he explained.

Therefore, Formappi considers it important to continue to supervise or control the DPR's policies. Where, the representatives of the people still have a term of service for about 3 more years.

"We don't want those years to end with stories about bad productivity that continue. We hope that the spirit of the DPR will emerge, then produce something more beneficial for the people and the nation in the midst of a pandemic," said Lucius.

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