JAKARTA – The incident of injecting blank vaccinations by health workers (nakes) into a vaccination participant in North Jakarta has attracted the attention of many parties. The police were kept busy after the video went viral on social media.

At that time, in the midst of the proliferation of videos of empty vaccine injections circulating, North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Guruh Arif Darmawan said his party had received reports related to vaccination activities at the East Pluit IPK School, Pluit, North Jakarta.

"We have taken some information," said Guruh when contacted by reporters, Monday, August 9.

Suspect Status

The police secure the health workers with the initials EO. After undergoing an examination, the police determined EO as a suspect and was charged with Article 14 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases. He was proven negligent in carrying out his duties as a vaccinator.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said his negligence was because the EO did not concentrate because he had vaccinated 599 people that day.

"So, from the beginning, the person concerned had vaccinated 599 people, so he felt he was negligent," said Yusri.

Revoke Report

In the course of the legal process, the EO health worker did not expect that he would be free from legal entanglement for what he had done. Because, the victim of EO decided to withdraw the report.

"He has been revoked (suspect status)," said North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Guruh Arif Darmawan to VOI, Wednesday, August 11.

The revocation of the suspect status of EO is based on the decision of the victim who decides to withdraw his report. The parents of the child who received the blank vaccine decided to make peace.

"During mediation and peace agreement. As of today, his status is revoked as a suspect," said Guruh.

The status of EO was determined to be a suspect, suspected by Article 14 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.

However, Yusri continued, the health worker with the initials EO is not a fake vaccinator. He has a classification for injecting vaccines to the public.

"This EO is also classified as an injection or vaccinator," he said.

Haru's cry

The EO, who was named a suspect at that time, was given the opportunity to convey several things. He said he had no bad intentions.

He admitted to having been negligent in his job as a vaccinator. So, things that shouldn't happen.

"I don't have any intentions, I purely just want to help volunteer to provide vaccines," said EO.

The negligence was due to not being fully concentrated. The reason is, in the vaccination process, there were at least 599 people who participated.

Therefore, while holding back tears, EO also apologized to all parties. Especially to the families of children who have been vaccinated.

"I apologize to my family and parents for the children I have vaccinated," he said.

"And I apologize to all Indonesian people who have felt disturbed by this incident," he continued.

As responsibility for his actions, EO stated that he was ready to follow the existing legal process.

"I will follow all the processes that I will run, but I apologize," he said.

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