JAKARTA - Head of the Central Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Sub-Department (Kasudin) Irwan immediately checked information on online prostitution at one of the hotels in Central Jakarta which was raided by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, August 9.

"We are coordinating with the Assistant in the region and the Acting Head of Tourism and Creative Economy. We will check today. The government will give administrative sanctions," he said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, August 11.

Even so, he will wait for a decision from the Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency.

"The Tourism and Creative Economy Agency will propose what to do next. If we just report that this has happened. This is just in the news stage. My team and I want to go there later," he said.

After checking, he continued, the results will be reported in writing.

"For the official report tomorrow. The police are criminal elements, while we are in terms of administration," said Irwan.

Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya had raided prostitution at a hotel in the Pasar Senen area, Central Jakarta, Monday, August 9, at around 22.30 WIB. A total of 8 minors, together with pimps, were secured from the location.

The raids were based on information on the existence of prostitution of minors.

"Personnel from Unit 4 Sub-Directorate 5 of the Ditreskrimum have arrested several BO women who are still underage, jockeys and several people who were caught red-handed are suspected of being/have committed obscene acts with the victims being minors," said the Director General of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Tubagus Ade. Hidayat, told reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

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