JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is examining the Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik. He was investigated in relation to the alleged corruption case in land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta.

Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI Regional Leadership Council Michael Victor Sianipar supports the KPK's steps and asks for the investigation into the land corruption case in the capital to be thoroughly dismantled.

"KPK must be able to reveal the mastermind and his network, and imprison those involved. Don't be satisfied with just looking for small perpetrators who become scapegoats, this case must be dismantled to its roots," Michael told reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

Michael admitted that his party did not want any members of the legislature to be involved in this corruption case. However, he considers that land acquisition is often the hottest and most sought after issue in the DKI Jakarta DPRD forum because the land purchase budget is quite large.

"Of course we hope that no legislature is involved, but we see the fact that there is always a strong urge to spend trillions of rupiah every year on discussions at the DKI Jakarta DPRD. This is very unreasonable," he said.

In fact, he believes that land corruption in Munjul is just one of many other allegations of corruption involving the mafia.

“The corruption in Munjul's land acquisition is only the surface of the iceberg of the land mafia. This case must be the entrance to dismantle the land mafia in Jakarta," he said.

Today, Taufik is being questioned by KPK investigators as a witness for the suspect Yoory Corneles, who is the former President Director of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya.

Besides Taufik, the KPK also summoned other witnesses. They are Pl. BP BUMD for the 2019 period, Riyadi and the Head of Sub-Division of Cash Flow Reporting at DKI Jakarta BPKD, Sudrajat Kuswata.

Taufik also admitted that he had participated in discussing the Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya budget. "Yes, it was discussed (budget, ed)," said M Taufik to reporters at the KPK's Red and White House.

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