JAKARTA - Member of Commission III DPR RI Hinca Panjaitan said that the revision of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics is one of 50 draft laws prioritized by the Indonesian Parliament.

The DPR, he said, is currently just waiting for the presidential letter to be sent to discuss further the revision of the law. This is because the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has finished conducting a study.

"Of the 50 draft laws in the legislative body this year the priority is the revision of the law on narcotics. The ball has been opened (waiting, red) for the president's letter," said Hinca in a discussion entitled About Imprisonment for Medical Cannabis Users which was broadcast on VOI's YouTube account, Thursday, June 18.

Although this law will be revised, according to Hinca there is something more important regarding its implementation. According to him, responsible law enforcers should have a better understanding of their duties.

Because, according to him, there is something wrong with the implementation of the law in the field. According to him, the government is currently enacting laws that are more regulating than prohibiting.

The Deputy Director for Legal Affairs and Cooperation at BNN Susanto also stated the same thing. According to him, the draft revision of the draft law was discussed on June 15 and submitted to the State Secretariat.

"Hopefully, by the end of June the State Secretariat will be in process and in the next month it can be pushed to the DPR," he said.

Susanto said the revised draft was signed by a revision team from various related agencies responsible for narcotics issues such as the Ministry of Health, Police, Attorney General's Office, Ministry of Social Affairs, KemenPANRB, and BNN. "This is an institution related to the implementation of the law," he said.

It's just that, as long as this law has not been passed, law enforcers will continue to implement Law No. 35 of 2009. Including ensuring that marijuana is included in category 1 in the type of narcotics. So, marijuana cannot be used as an alternative treatment.

"That marijuana, all narcotics class one cannot be used for treatment. Treatment is free by individuals," he said.

Even so, if there are people who really need marijuana as medicine, they can still get it legally. Of course, with certain conditions, such as getting a recommendation from a doctor.

This is because doctors are considered to be aware of a patient's condition. Including, whether someone needs to use marijuana in the healing process. Given, a patient may think he needs to use medical marijuana but in fact he can be cured with other drugs.

"Narcotics can be used as medicine but with a doctor's prescription and the conditions are determined according to the medical condition," said Susanto.

"So people using narcotics must be prescribed by a doctor, must be observed by a doctor. Does the condition meet the requirements for consuming marijuana or narcotics," he concluded.

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