JAKARTA - The government inaugurated a system of integrating four stations in Jakarta, namely Sudirman, Tanah Abang, Senen, and Juanda Stations. This station has been integrated with a number of other transportations within close proximity.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said that the collaboration between PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) will re-integrate the next 5 stations.

These stations are Manggarai Station (South Jakarta), Tebet Station (South Jakarta), Gondangdia Station (South Jakarta), Palmerah Station (Central Jakarta), and Jakarta Kota Station (West Jakarta).

"We are also in the process of rearranging five other stations. The hope is that later we can actually realize an integrated mass public transportation facility," said Anies at Sudirman Station, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, June 17.

Anies explained, the budget that will be disbursed in the arrangement of these five stations is IDR 40 billion. "Hopefully, in the future we can finish working on five stations in three months," he said.

Now, 4 stations have been integrated. The arrangement of the area for the 4 large stations began in January 2020 and was completed last May and cost Rp25 billion.

However, because at that time Jakarta was still in the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and was focused on dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, the inauguration was postponed until entering the transitional PSBB period.

The integration of 4 stations with a number of other transportation modes serves as an efficiency for people who use public transportation every day. That way, they will reduce the use of private vehicles.

A number of other integrated public transportations are the MRT Station, Transjakarta Shelter, Jaklingko, Bajaj, as well as shuttle points and base motorcycle taxi shelters and online motorcycle taxis.

Furthermore, Anies revealed that the government will also develop Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The location is in Dukuh Atas, Central Jakarta.

"Indeed, in Jakarta, it is being transformed from car oriented development to transit oriented development. That there will be integration there. The pictures already exist. And when the location arrangement was determined, at that time it had become one unit," explained Anies.

Later, in the Dukuh Atas area there will be an integration of seven modes of transportation in the form of KRL, airport train, TrransJakarta, MRT, other transportation buses, the Jabodetabek LRT, and the seven Jakarta LRT.

"Later, after being built, it will not look far away because there will be a new bridge, especially for pedestrians, to be built to the east (from Sudirman Station). If you have seen the picture, you will be amazed," said Anies.

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