Tangerang - As many as seven youths suspected of fighting a brawl were arrested by the police. The seven youths were arrested from various locations in the Teluknaga area, Tangerang Regency.

The Head of Criminal Investigation at the Teluknaga Police, Ipda Adityo Wijanarko, admitted that his party had responded to reports from residents regarding brawls between youths in their area.

"Yes, we responded quickly to information about a brawl. So we managed to prevent it," Adityo explained when confirmed by reporters, Sunday, August 8.

Adtyo said, the youths were secured from various locations. Among them, in the Belimbing area, two youths were arrested, in the Telukanaga KUD area, three youths were arrested, and in the Salembaran area, two youths were secured.

"There are a total of seven youths that we have arrested," he said.

From the hands of a number of perpetrators, officers also secured evidence of sharp weapons (sajam, ed) which will be used for brawls.

"There are various kinds of blades. There are sickles, long saws and sabers," he said.

Currently, his party is still conducting an examination of the youths who carried the weapon at the Teluknaga Police Headquarters.

"We hope that there will be no more incidents of brawls that disturb the community," he said.

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