CIANJUR - Firefighters in Cianjur, West Java, managed to catch a 3.5-meter king cobra venomous snake. The existence of this snake had terrorized residents in Joglo Village, Sindangsari Village, Ciranjang District.

Cianjur Daryana, the Commander of the First Team for the Fire, said that the residents had reported the presence of snakes for the first time. At first, people wanted to catch him in a crowd.

However, seeing the size of the snake and knowing the type is a king cobra, this intention was canceled. "Residents thought that it was a python because of its long and large size. However, after confirming that the snake was a king cobra and its venom can be deadly, residents called the Cianjur Fire Department," he said in Cianjur, closed from Antara, Sunday, August 8.

His party immediately sent a special fire team to evacuate snakes to the location, where officers had difficulty finding the snake's nest. After 7 hours of searching, officers finally succeeded in evacuating the snake from the tree and bringing it to the Cianjur Fire Department.

The plan is that the poisonous snake will be released back into the wild far from the village, so as not to disturb the residents again. "We will look for a location far from the village, so that the snakes can live freely and not disturb the residents anymore," he said.

Several eyewitnesses from local residents said that the discovery of the 3.5-meter king cobra was the first time this happened because so far, residents had only found a few small ones. Once you find a large snake with a length of no more than 2 meters, a type of python.

"Initially several people ventured to catch a cobra which was initially thought to be a python. This is the first time in our village, there is a cobra that long. We hope there is only one and no other because as far as we know its venom can be deadly," said Rustandi, a resident eye witness. around.

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